Welcome to Prophecykeepers
...the final destination in prophecy
The prophetic signs left by The Old Ones, or our ancient ancestors from all
4 directions of our planet indicate we have but a short time yet to prepare...
but FIRST we need to reconnect with the Great Spirit - even more than we
need to make physical preparations... but we need to do both! There is no
need to fear if you are prepared, and e Elders are here to help you get
prepared... Creator always provides information to help you if you simply
ask for it... the answers are here for you as are some of the right questions...
the White Roots of Peace Council is here to assist you with your questions...
absolutely free, but you may also help with this sacred effort if you care
It is a matter of history that all the problems
of Christians, Jews and Muslims started in one small family, the household
of Abraham, several thousand years ago, and now we have worldwide
Most people nowadays sense the world is drawing
close to the abyss, and are fearful, and many are searching for answers.
Unfortunately, prophecy is literally created out of thin air by some
of the tabloids, fingers are pointed back and forth exclaiming "false prophet,
false prophet!" Prophecy, which some exceptions, is treated as
so mysterious as not to be understood by most moviemakers.
Many look to the Native Americans or to Eastern
Religions for answers, because they know their family's belief
system, along with all the world's systems, are breaking
The poet Yeats observed correctly, when he predicted
"...things fall apart, the center does not hold, and in that hour what rough
beast crouches towards Bethlehem (4.9712 miles from the Valley of Armageddon)
waiting to be born." Perhaps he knew what Isaiah knew of our tie
when he wrote "All the tables are full of vomit" indicating there would
come a time when the entire world would be "Out of order."
Judge Robert H. Bork in his book, "Slouching Towards
Gomorrah-- Modern Liberalism and American Decline"
"There is a good reason why William Butler Yeats'
"The Second Coming" is probably the most quoted poem of our time. The image
of a world disintegrating, then to be subjected to a brutal force, speaks
to our fears now. When Yeats wrote that in 1919, he may have foreseen that
the twentieth century would experience the "blood-dimmed tide," as indeed
it has. But he can hardly have had any conception of just how thoroughly
things would fall apart as the center failed to hold in the last third of
this century. He can hardly have foreseen that passionate intensity, uncoupled
from morality, would shred the fabric of Western culture. The rough beast
of decadence, a long time in gestation, having reached its maturity in the
last three decades, now sends us slouching towards our new home, not Bethlehem
but Gomorrah."
The Second Coming
Turning and turning in the widening
The falcon cannot hear the falconer
Things fall apart; the centre cannot
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood- dimmed tide is loosed, and
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the
Are full of passionate intensity.
Surely some revelation is at hand;
Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
The Second Coming! Hardly are those words
When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi
Troubles my sight: somewhere in the sands of the
A shape with lion body and the head of a
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
Is moving its' slow thighs, While all about
Reel shadows of the indignant desert
The darkness drops again; but now I
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking
And what rough beast, its hour come round at
Slouches toward Bethlehem to be born?
-- William Butler Yeats
THE NEW AGE or the same old
Many Native Americans today feel, (and many
"New Agers" naively believe them) that if left unmolested after
1492, they would have known better than to allow what the Hebrews and
their northern European descendants allowed to happen, for they think in
terms of what will be taught to the 7th generation.
The sad truth is, as full blood Cherokee Actor
Wes Studi (Dances With Wolves, Last of the Mohicans) pointed out, American
Indians never had an Eden here in the Americas... and were killing
each other long before whites ever reached these shores.
So, Native Americans feel if they had been
left alone by Europeans, their society would be better than Judeo-Christian
society is today. But alas, though these are enviable attitudes, and their
protestations notwithstanding, the Creator dealt them a different hand, and
American Indians today are pretty much mixed in with the rest of us
and will share the same fate because they have acculturated to "white ways"
very well.
New Agers, whose minds are open to
the possibilities of real positive changes coming to the
planet, are victimized on a wholesale basis by False prophets in search
of real profits.
We can only turn to ourselves... and go within.
We can trust no one else to make the decisions facing us all... but you need
information to form an opinion. When I assembled these eBooks, I felt
strongly that if we were to achieve peace (or maybe just survive) as
a world, we needed to turn to the historical "Prophets," but I knew
these prophets whose records were generated in the Eastern hemisphere may
NOT be accepted by traditional Native and Indigenous peoples who have
been so badly treated by the hypocritical "followers" of these Prophets.
I knew I needed to find some common ground.
First, I needed to identify WHO the Prophets
were, (a daunting task only a few years ago made easier by cyber-space) and
then I knew we must collect and collate their purported "messages" like
raw intelligence data... as any intelligence agency would, and
then analyze the information as any good detective would do, looking
for clues... looking hard for similarities in prophetic messages from cultures
that are widely separated by time and space. I knew we were literally
looking for the "Fingerprint of God."
From the first free eBook, "ANCIENT PROPHECY:
The Homeland Security System of our Ancient Ancestors," the first in
"The PROPHECYKEEPERS" trilogy, you will begin to see from both the European
and Native points of view, much of what will probably happen in the
future, why it will happen, and approximately when it will happen (which
should be soon) as well as where to be and whom to be near to when it
all happens.
You will begin to seek your Creator's plan for
your physical survival, and that by whatever name he has gone by, he has
always been "The Homeland Security System of our Ancient
The second free eBook in the trilogy, EARTH
MOTHER CRYING: Encyclopedia of Native Peoples Prophecies of Terror
Preceding an Age of Universal Peace, should convince you -- through the
sheer volume of 200+ pages of evidence, that our Creator has always
dealt with Tribal and Indigenous peoples in exactly the same manner he has
dealt with their European cousins... through His servants "the
You will also come to realize His plan to unite
peoples of all races, tribes, and colors into one nation... the Rainbow Tribe
of Native American prophecy. See
These eBooks draw not only from sources of indigenous
tribal wisdom and prophecy from all over the world, but also from many
"mainstream" religious faiths.
The American Indian author and leader Dr. Vine Deloria, whose Sioux Nation
relatives are only a few generations removed from living many aspects of
"Tribal/All things common" has researched aspects of the "Tribal/All things
common" lifestyle and have written about the tremendous financial power of
banding together financially
if only people would get together and
harness that power!
After reading "EARTH MOTHER CRYING," you should receive the proper
motivation to start (or be ready to participate in if compelled by
circumstances) living "ALL THINGS COMMON" once you realize that the
prophecies of all religions are predicting one thing:
That prior to, or soon after, a period
of 3 days of darkness coming soon to the world, you have an
almost certain chance of torture and death --
either from terrorist attack (1% chance), or from the internal wars that
terrorist leaders have publicly announced that they intend to foment through
economic pressures (98% chance) -- in your natural lifetime. If you survive
these catastrophes, you will have to provide for yourself, OR find a different
way... which must be divine intervention!
In the third and final free eBook of the trilogy,
"ALL THINGS COMMON: The Communal Way of Tribal Life that Jesus Taught", you
will learn that it is part of the Creator's plan to allow chaos to exist
on our planet for a certain prophesied period of time, in order to test mankind
-- and later to actually free mankind from his "bonds," which is economic
and spiritual slavery system we now live under. You will see that this happens
on a cyclical basis, and the time for "purification"of the planet is swiftly
A divine rescue plan for "Purification Day", was given to the Hopis, and
a mirror plan, which is basically living simply with "All things common,"
a plan which was also was written into the Holy Scriptures of the
Judeo-Christian religions, and was practiced by early Christians beginning
right after the Day of Pentecost, and is practiced - with one or more ingredient
missing - even today by tribal societies all over our planet. It was practiced
after the resurrection of Jesus and His ascension by the church of Christ,
and is described in the Book of Acts of the Apostles, but many other clues
are scattered all over Holy writ.
The Upside - You will learn of the ingredients that are missing in a "Tribal/All
things common" way of life which assure you divine protection -- even from
Nuclear explosions.
Downside - None, because everybody wins in he
long run. The only reason why the church of Christ isn't now living "All
things common" continuously since the day of Pentecost is because good times
of ease and lack of persecution came to the Christians, and some of the people
no longer felt it was necessary to band together for protection, and greed
won over, so they stopped living "All things
9-11 was predicted by Joseph Terelya, Mother Theresa on her deathbed,
and others. Back then people wanted answers. They were here! Now most
everyone is back asleep again... except you...
Now is prime time for another attack, to show
the world how powerful the Terrorists are and how weak America can
Read about it free in eBook #1. Why should
this surprise us? Because it never happened on such a scale on our
In light of what Jesus taught, we should have
been prepared, because we know he loves America very much.
"Not Peace, but a Sword"
1 Kings 3:15a-28, Matthew 10:34-39
If you are a Christian, you must expect
tribulation. The scriptures say of God that He Chastens Whom
He Loves. Jesus said, "I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.".
So we see now that He came to cause the divisions we see today in order to
test us all thoroughly.
Some people, folks now living in peaceful areas,
with more than the usual amount of money and possessions, might hesitate
to enter "All Things Common," because they would have to give up direct personal
control of their finances to a community council
and they are not ready
to commit to this, because they don't yet see that giving over control of
their finances in the short run - will shortly begin to garner long-term
financial advances - and even divine protection -- for the entire group in
the long run.
In this sacred economic plan, you will be no richer
than your neighbors. In antiquity, this plan has been used to amass great
fortunes and security for its participants. "All things common" is not a
plan for income tax rebels. Christ instructed all his followers to render
unto Caesar what is Caesar's, but allowed you to find coins in the mouths
of fishes to pay your taxes.
If you do receive the proper motivation to start
living "All things common" you are most likely now a relatively poor
"We Hopi believe that the
human race has passed through
three different worlds and life
ways since the beginning. At the
end of each prior world, human
life has been purified or punished
by the Great Spirit "Massauu"
due mainly to corruption, greed
and turning away from the Great
Spirit's teachings. The last great
destruction was the flood which
destroyed all but a few faithful
ones who asked and received a
permission from the
Great Spirit to live with Him in
this new land. The Great Spirit
said, "It is up to you, if you are
willing to live my poor, humble
and simple life way.
It is hard but if you agree to live
according to my teachings and
instructions, if you never lose faith
in the life I shall give you, you may
come and live with me."
The Hopi and all who were saved
from the great flood made a
sacred covenant with the Great
Spirit at that time. We Hopi made
an oath that we will never turn
away from Him. For us the
Creator's laws never change or
break down."
Chief Dan Evehema, "Message to Mankind," online
publication, <http://www.thehopiway.com>, see
SEE Messages link on the left.
Isaiah 14:32
What shall one then answer the messengers
of the nation? That the LORD hath founded Zion, and the poor of his people
shall trust in it.
If you don't begin now, you may be compelled
by God to do so later, so you may as well get started right now -- in a time
of relative peace -- when preparations like gardening and animal husbandry
are so much easier to be made than in times of trouble.
Isaiah 18:7
In that time shall the present be brought
unto the LORD of hosts of a people scattered and peeled, and from a people
terrible from their beginning hitherto; a nation meted out and trodden under
foot, whose land the rivers have spoiled, to the place of the name of the
LORD of hosts, the mount Zion.
You will learn how you may actually be divinely hidden
from those who would harm you if you live "All things common."
This eBook is probably the most complete picture you
will find concerning prophecy on the face of earth. It not only requires
your own study and analysis, but it will require you to act very soon to
assure your physical survival.
John 10:3
The watchman opens the gate for him, and the
sheep listen to his voice. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them
John 10:4
When he has brought out all his own, he
goes on ahead of them, and his sheep follow him because they know his voice.
John 10:27
My sheep listen to my voice; I know them,
and they follow me.
Because he is able to know what men are thinking,
and because he created us and loves us, like the kind and loving shepherd
He is, our Creator has a long history of warning his followers of impending
destruction. So, if you are able to obtain, through prayer and meditation,
the voice of your Creator, your chances of survival will be greatly
It would be much better for you to be one on the "sheep"
who know His voice when He before He decides, once again, to warn those he
would have come out of a people or an area he intends to destroy -- as He
has in times past.
Amos 3:7
Surely the Sovereign LORD does nothing
without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets.
Daniel 9:10
we have not obeyed the LORD our God or
kept the laws he gave us through his servants the prophets. Revelation
But in the days when the seventh angel
is about to sound his trumpet, the mystery of God will be accomplished, just
as he announced to his servants the prophets."
Jeremiah 35:15
Again and again I sent all my servants
the prophets to you. They said, "Each of you must turn from your wicked ways
and reform your actions; do not follow other gods to serve them. Then you
will live in the land I have given to you and your fathers." But you have
not paid attention or listened to me.
Jeremiah 7
24 But they did not listen or pay attention;
instead, they followed the stubborn inclinations of their evil hearts. They
went backward and not forward. 25 From the time your forefathers left Egypt
until now, day after day, again and again I sent you my servants the prophets.
26 But they did not listen to me or pay attention. They were stiff-necked
and did more evil than their forefathers. |
