Msg # 6565 Date: 06 May 94 08:21:00 From: Bob Johnstone To: All Subj: RELAX TO THE MAX ____________________________________________________________________________ (RELAX TO THE MAX, part 7 of 9) Just recall OR think about whatever you can, focus on physical feelings that you felt and realize these feelings can represent other memories, you may not be able to rememver. One memory can even represent over 800 pleasant memories you might not even be thinking about. Thus, you gain much more than from memories you consciously remember. Sometimes when practicing, uncomfortable memories may come to you, that is perfectly ok..... when you realize you are thinking of an uncomfortable memory, just switch to one of the pleasant memories. Preferably one which has the type of physical feelings or emotions you feel will help you most with that uncomfortable memory. Sometimes they keep intruding, that is normal, just keep switching to the pleasant memory again and again and again. Even if they continue to intrude, you discover by the time you have switched to thinking of a good memory at least ten times, uncomfortable ones becomes less important or you drift off and think of other pleasant memories, before long. If you have difficulty remembering these steps, and all are important, you can purchase the tape that guides you through them out of the entire set, it is not necessary to purchase the whole set, although the others will cover a much broader range of problems which have been causing stress. Continue to think of whatever memories come to you, do NOT try to force pleasant memories to come to mind, just drift or daydream and allow whatever memories come. If uncomfortable memories do come up, just switch to one which is an old standby or a new one which contains feelings which are the opposite of those in that memory. When you feel the time you set aside to practice is over slowly open your eyes and check the time. If it has not completely elapsed, close your eyes and continue practicing. If it has, just slowly stretch your arms or legs until you are ready to get up.... Your mind has a very accurate clock, each time you do this, it feeds information back to reset that clock. Soon you find, it you feel it is time to open your eyes, you are right on time. It wont matter if you decided to practice for five minutes or thirty, you respond at the end of time that you decided to use. This technique will develop a conditioned reflex, so that you can eventually relax, regardless of what you may have experienced that day. It will not totally deal with -all- the * causes * but the tapes will, then it works much more effectively. They teach your mind to change your perception about stressful experiences or to look at them in new and different ways, so you use the informtion from them in a beneficial manner. Then if you have similar experiences in future they are not so stressful. Then you can reduce that stress much more rapidly. Eventually, even if you do not practice this mental exercise every day, even in the middle of them, you feel better, think clearer, and deal with them much more effectively. If you have the time, spend at LEAST 3 times the length of time that it takes for you to reduce the stress below conscious levels, thinking about pleasant memories. When you feel as relaxed or MORE so than you did before you felt you were stressed, continue thinking of the relaxing memories for three three times the length of time it took to become that relaxed. (This will be much less time than you would believe. Eventually only minutes.) If you dont have the time right then, take the time later in the day to practice with that stressful memory. It is best in the beginning, to practice when you are not stressed out. For it will be easier to think about pleasent memories at that time. Resting in alpha state for 10-15 minutes, eventually can be as relaxing or more so than 3 hours of sleep. You may be very surprised at how well you feel. Some people are so relaxed they feel like they are * floating * or lose awareness of their body and feel comfortable for long periods afterwards. Conscious levels, can only do 6-9 things at one time, if you try to feel better consciously, you actually interfere with the subconscious. Subconscious levels, can do hundreds of thousands of things for you in the time it takes you to do a few consciously. Thinking of a pleasant memory, becomes a VERY effective command to the subconscious to create those feelings, virtually instantly, certainly within seconds when you have practiced for 12 weeks. There may be some things, that would take quite some time, before you would begin to feel better.... But, persist or persevere and order the tapes if you feel they are necessary. There will be some memories, where all the feelings do not change or they do not change as rapidly as you might like. But, the tapes dramaticly improve the results. They deal with experiences which have been very resistive in the past. They can even help deal with overwhelming memories from the past, my clients say, "it is like having a private session with you, any time that I need one." You can even change the effect on your life of Broken relationships or divorces and even the loss due to death. When working with clients, I give them a new cassette tape each week. They listen to this tape at bedtime or whenever convenient.... It helps dramaticly speed up their progress, without the cost of additional sessions during the week. They can use them over and over, as many times as necessary. Some who have been using them for years, still find they benefit from using them. I will do everything possible to help you use this process successfully. As an example of how this process changes emotions, I worked with a lady who had been going to psychologists and psychiatrists for 21 years. She said "after listening to the tapes for three months, I feel I have made more progress than I have with others, in 21 years." (continued on page 8) --- FLAME v1.0 * Origin: For PTSD or Emotions & Physical HELP 714-525-1706 (1:10/25) PATH: 10/25 103/501 121 3615/50 138/103 1 352/3 410 03