======== Newsgroups: misc.survivalism Subject: "How Bad will it Get?" Part 2 From: Digman@ix.netcom.com (Digger) Date: Wed, 22 Jan 1997 05:29:07 GMT When will the crisis begin? Technically speaking, it already has begun. What is unknown is when it will all come to a head. My personal prediction is within ten years. Where it will happen will probably be right here in California, along with Florida, Texas and just about every inner city area that is overpopulated, undereducated, welfare ridden, high crime rate, etc. The reason I choose California, Florida and Texas is the high concentration of resident and illegal aliens, many of them criminals. As systems and people become overtaxed and over stressed to the breaking point, Natural citizens will begin to fight with immigrants and illegals over food, fuel and other things. Tolerance for most will completely stop. Police will intervene in these small skirmishes thus setting off riotous behavior, most likely from the minorities as has already been demonstrated in Florida. States with areas that have a large gap between rich and poor will be prime grounds for crisis. The escalating riotous behavior in many areas will cause state and local governments to attempt severe firearms restrictions and maybe even attempt confiscation of ALL firearms. Many people will comply, foolishly believing that their government and police will protect them. Others, however, will under no circumstances, give up their guns to anyone. Local police agencies may find themselves engaged in numerous 'shoot-outs' with angry and frightened citizens. In some areas of heavy activity, valid and self-imposed Militias may activate even before the area National Guard deploys and end up in fights with local law enforcement who might feel that the Militia is interfering with their duties. Some of these scenarios were also demonstrated during the 1992 L.A/Rodney King riots. (Ammo and gun sales halted, citizens harassed by Police for defending themselves against looters.) Essentially, you will see situations like L.A occur all over. Nothing cataclysmic, but continual. Personally, I feel that those of us who live in or near large Cities or in suburbs near large cities will be affected. People who live in smaller towns, especially farm communities maybe less affected at first, although, may become affected later if things don't calm down. Hate and other fringe groups may use the crisis and may lay as a means of acting out their plans. Gangs and looting packs will certainly seize the opportunity for self gain. As law enforcement and the military are called into play things will get critical. As I stated earlier, soldiers will most likely be called upon to fire on anyone they deem to be a threat. Even if that person or persons are simply defending themselves, their home or neighborhoods. Some may comply and some may refuse. The problem is....you may only have a second or two do decide if he is going to help you or kill you. I also feel you have even less of a chance with a cop. Cops will probably be so paranoid by then, they will fire at anything that moves. O.K., so you have your bug out pack, some weapons, your car, scanner & shortwave and a will to survive. Good. You're also scared to death. GOOD!! you should be. You know where you want to go. The question is, can you get there in one piece. Most likely, everyone and his brother will have the same idea as you, except, you are part of a small percentage that is at least somewhat prepared. You may be very well prepared, so much the better. Most of the sheep, when surprised and stampeding will have no idea what they are doing. You are faced with a profound question; How ruthless do I have to be to survive? If someone gets in my way, am I going to have to kill them? My answer would be yes, even if I do not necessarily want it to be. Your "Prime Directive" at this point is to defend yourself and/or your family, or, if you are in a survival group, to your compatriots and get to where you need to go. The police will not be your allies, they are having to deal with the out of control criminal element and the sheep stampede. If you get caught in the middle, oh well. Most likely the police will think you're a criminal or some militant nut-case who got an excuse to shoot his rifle. Would I shoot a cop? Probably. Especially if he were to try and keep me from defending my home or stop me from getting to where I needed to go. If he crosses that line, he has become no ally of mine. All you have to do is look at other countries where civil crisis become out of control to give you an idea of what we might face. If you don't have a safe haven anywhere out of the hot zone, you need familiarize yourself with any heavy wooded areas away from the hot zone. National parks or Bureau of Land Management areas are good. In other words, some place reasonably safe that you can crash at and give yourself time to assess the situation. You may want to stay there if it's a really safe place or you may want to move on until you find a really safe place. That may also depend on how bad things were when you left. If you research this before things get messy, then you are all that more prepared. This area may also be handy for an interim hideout until you get to your safe haven. If you think you're going to be there awhile, make sure your area has some water access. Rocky and hilly terrain is even better as it's easier to defend and blend into. In summation, the coming "Dark ages" as some phrase it will occur in the most vulnerable states and not the whole country at once. The crisis will be a result of many factors, economic, criminal, natural and government induced. In many areas of dense population, people are nearing the breaking point. We see daily evidence of this. Extremist fringe groups are surfacing and are being egged-on by a Godless media for ratings and the almighty advertising dollar. Inflation and interest rates are on the rise again. Food and fuel costs are rising dramatically. Certain large companies are reporting record profits while the average American's income has dropped. Personal debt is at an all time high. At current rates the interest on the National debt will exceed one-trillion dollars by the year 2000. More families are living at the poverty level than ever before. Almost one-third of the populace is functionally illiterate and on social programs. Teen pregnancies are on the rise and even occurring in pre-teen girls. Government agencies run rough-shot over citizens. FBI agents execute women and children and are slapped on the wrist. Law enforcement continually fails to control lowlife street gangs but always finds the time to harass law abiding citizens about what kind of gun they own. Wealthy liberal-socialist zealots shape our government policies. Komrade Klinton will continue to paint a rosy picture of how everything is better now. As Peter Alan Kassler has said, "The truth is politically incorrect". Digger NCIM