For immediate release
May 29, 2003 - By Will Anderson, "Blueotter" -- Cabool, Missouri, USA All Worldwide Rights Reserved
May 7, 2003 - During the week of May 7, 2004, nearly five years have
elapsed, just as the now-dead Hopi elders predicted on the Art Bell
Show on June 18-19, 1998, since Hale-Bopp concluded its appearance in the
Northern Hemisphere.
"During the first week of May 1997 the comet disappeared in the morning twilight for Europe. At this writing, July 2000, the comet is still being observed as a fourteenth magnitude fuzzy patch in the southern skies." Source:
A Blue Comet, Comet Neat was already in the sky as of May 2003... as the Hopi elders predicted and announced on the Art Bell show in an interview arranged by (now Dr.) Robert Ghostwolf in June 18 of 1998...
"It is far the brightest and largest comet seen," Paal Brekke, SOHO deputy project scientist, told The comet was discovered in November 2002 by NASA's Near Earth Asteroid Tracking (NEAT) program.
"It is far the brightest and largest comet seen,"
Paal Brekke, SOHO deputy project scientist...
May 9, 2003 -- Prime Minister (editor's note: Who has just replaced Yassir
Arafat as of January 2005) Mohammed Abbas (Prime candidate from the "MABUS"
of Nostradamus prophecy) Letter to US Envoy Highlights Danger of Israel's
Failure to Accept Road Map Source: Palestinian National Authority
May 15, 2003 The Moon "turns to blood" in a lunar eclipse seen in much
of the northern hemisphere
May 25, 2003 -- Israel approves roadmap - JERUSALEM The Israeli
cabinet on Sunday narrowly approved the US-backed peace roadmap, which calls
for a Palestinian state by 2005.
CONSIDER: 1 Thessalonians 5:2-4 -- For you
yourselves know perfectly that the Day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in
the night. For when they are saying, "Peace and safety," then sudden destruction
cometh upon them as travail upon a woman with child, and they shall not escape.
But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that Day should overtake you
as a thief.
So you might ask yourself, "what was rhe date that the Hopi Elders could
no longer see it?" Good question...
May 20, 2003. Just as the Hopi Elders predicted in June 1998, a new Red
Dwarf Star is discovered RELATIVELY CLOSE TO EARTH WHILE a Blue Comet
is in the sky, within the predicted 7 years after comet Hale-Bopp
March 2004... a new red planet is discovered exactly where "Planet-X" was predicted EXACTLY WHERE Nancy Lieder's Zeta Reticulan friends said it would be discovered, but somewhat later then they said it world. The point is, it IS there, and IT IS RED... just as predicted.
CONSIDER: Acts 2:20 "The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and notable day of the Lord come:"
May 31, 2003 In fulfillment of prophecy, the sun appeared over the Middle East and Europe as a "sackcloth of ashes" and "refused to give her light" in a rare "annular" or "ring of fire" eclipse.
"While we can still see the twins, the comet up there with the two tails
(Hale-Bopp)..." "
..."in the sky we will still have time to change our patterns, and change our ways. When we no longer see it in the sky it will be the sign that we have very little time left... perhaps 18 months or less before the purifier returns. The purifier will appear, as the Red Kachina, maybe that means it will appear red in the telescopes that the scientists use. It will remain almost in one place for a long time. Like and eye watching us." Hopi Elders, Art Bell Show, June 18-19, 1998
New Red Dwarf star discovered May 20, 2003... The Purifier?
Planet Sedna - Discovered in March 2004... The
"That is when Saquasohuh, the one that is called the Blue Star Kachina will
also return. Saquasohuh is benevolent, but the others will not be so. When
the others come there will begin the war in the heavens as we have been told."
Hopi Elder, February, 1997
COMET NEAT: Is this the Blue Star Kachina?
The elders have let it be known that the "Red Kachina"
comet will be here within 7 years from the conclusion of Hale-Bopp's appearance.
The comet was discovered in 1995 and seen by millions of people in 1996:
The Hopi elder said: "Seven years after the appearance would have concluded
itself puts into effect the cycle." It was still being seen in
the southern Hemisphere as of the year 2000. So when will the seven years
actually be concluded?
Before the last few traditional Hopi elders passed away very recently,
they let it be known that "purification day" would follow soon on the heels
of their passing into the spirit world.
The "appearance" of Hale Bopp concluded in the Northern Hemisphere in early May 1997, but continued to be seen in the Southern Hemisphere for at LEAST another 3 years.
"During the first week of May 1997 the comet disappeared in the morning twilight for Europe. At this writing, July 2000, the comet is still being observed as a fourteenth magnitude fuzzy patch in the southern skies." Source:
You may find it interesting to note that right
after the end of the 6th year period since Hale-Bopp's disappearance in
the Northern Hemisphere (which was the first week of May 2003), the beginning
of that 7th year witnessed the largest appearance of tornados in the history
of tornado monitoring by meteorologists!
Then, two weeks later, on about May 19-20, 2003, A NEW RED DWARF STAR WAS
below for details...
Then in March of 2004, Planet Sedna was
discovered, just EXACTLY where it was predicted that it would be. Richard
Mucci of "Out There TV" discovered this
Posted 5/11/2003 9:26 PM
May tornado count sets
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"It's the longest stretch of outbreaks that I can recall," said Dan McCarthy, meteorologist for the federal Storm Prediction Center. "It's been an incredible week," said McCarthy, who has been in the weather business for 25 years.
The storms broke a record set in 1999, when 188 tornadoes struck the nation from May 1 through May 10.
At least 45 people have died in the tornadoes. By
comparison, there were an average of 44 tornado deaths per year from 2000
through 2002.
May 2003: 434 (preliminary)
Most for May: 391 (May 1995)
Most in any month: 399 (June 1992)
Source: Storm Prediction Center
ANCIENT PROPHECYKEEPERS - The Trilogy of Ancient and Modern Terrors and
Remember what the elder said:
The purifier will appear, as the Red Kachina, maybe that means it will appear
red in the telescopes that the scientists use. It will remain almost in one
place for a long time. Like and eye watching us. That is when Saquasohuh,
the one that is called the Blue Star Kachina will also return. Saquasohuh
is benevolent, but the others will not be so. When the others come there
will begin the war in the heavens as we have been told." Hopi Elder, February,
Star Search Finds Neighborly Red
Dwarf By Staff posted: 03:50 pm ET 20 May 2003 |
This is an artist's concept of a recently-discovered
nearby star. The star, "SO25300.5+165258," is a faint red dwarf star estimated
to be about 7.8 light-years from Earth in the direction of the constellation
Aries. Click to enlarge.
Astronomers have stumbled onto a previously unknown star in Earth's stellar
neighborhood, a red dwarf that appears to be the third-closest star system
to our own.
"Our new stellar neighbor is a pleasant surprise, since we weren't looking for it," Bonnard Teegarden, an astrophysicist with NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, said in a written statement.
Teegarden, the lead author of the study, and his colleagues happened upon the star while searching for nearby white dwarfs, the remains of collapsed stars that quickly traverse the night sky. Astronomers track white dwarfs like they track planets and near earth objects, by tracking their change in position over time. The study of these dead stars can then help estimate the mass and ages of galaxies.
"These and other stars make up the tapestry through which near earth asteroids travel, which is our main concern," said Steven Pravdo, who collaborated on the star search, during a telephone interview. Pravdo is the project director for NASA's Near-Earth Asteroid Tracking (NEAT) program, which supplied a database full of sky observations - originally meant to find objects that might impact Earth - for Teegarden to sift through.
It was while going through the database that researchers discovered the dim red dwarf, which shines about 300,000 times fainter than the Sun. It's faintness has veiled it from astronomers until now, researchers said.
NASA astronomers estimate the newly discovered star to sit about 7.8 light years from Earth towards the constellation Aries. The closest star to Earth is Alpha Centauri, which is actually a set of triplets burning brightly about four light years away. Barnard's Star, the next-nearest neighbor is a slightly further hop at about six light years form Earth. One light year is about six trillion miles (9.5 trillion kilometers).
U.S. Naval Observatory is currently taking more
observations of the star to pin down its exact distance from Earth. Teegarden's
research on the red dwarf will appear in the publication Astrophysical
Journal, although a final publication date has yet to be set.
Remember what the elder said:
The purifier will appear, as the Red Kachina, maybe that means it will appear
red in the telescopes that the scientists use. It will remain almost in one
place for a long time. Like and eye watching us. That is when Saquasohuh,
the one that is called the Blue Star Kachina will also return. Saquasohuh
is benevolent, but the others will not be so. When the others come there
will begin the war in the heavens as we have been told." Hopi Elder, February,
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Amazing Live Images: Sungrazing Comet Possibly Hit by Solar Eruption By Robert Roy Britt Senior Science Writer posted: 09:40 am ET 18 February 2003 |
The SOHO spacecraft is currently generating spectacular images of a recently found comet called NEAT as the icy body circles the Sun and appears to have been struck by a massive solar eruption. The chance encounter could lead to new discoveries about the interactions of comets with hot, charged particles billowing from the Sun.
NEAT is putting on what may turn out to be the most remarkable comet show ever witnessed by SOHO, which has photographed more than 500 comets rounding the Sun.
"It is far the brightest and largest comet seen," Paal Brekke, SOHO deputy project scientist, told
SOHO stands for Solar and Heliospheric Observatory. The satellite sits partway between Earth and the Sun and is designed primarily to monitor space weather like the eruption currently witnessed. Live images of the comet and the eruptive event are available at the SOHO website to anyone with an Internet connection.
The comet, officially C/2002 V1, should be visible in SOHO's LASCO-3 camera through the pre-dawn hours Thursday.
A solar eruption, called a coronal mass ejection (CME), appears to have hit the comet Monday, Brekke said. Scientists think they observed a kink propagating down the comet's ion tail.
"Certainly such effects from a CME could give us new information about comets, their tails and how they interact with the solar wind," said Brekke, who works for the European Space Agency out of an office at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center. SOHO is a joint project between the two agencies.
Another eruption lifted off the Sun early Tuesday [as seen in the picture near the top-right of this page] but it's not clear yet which direction it is aimed.
NEAT was just one-tenth of Earth's distance from the Sun when it made its closest approach to the Sun this week. Solar energy boils gas and dust from the comet's nucleus. Sunlight then reflects off this fresh material, creating the glowing head and tail of the comet. The tail always points away from the Sun, driven by solar radiation.
The comet was faintly visible in the evening sky last week for viewers with dark sky conditions. It has been in LASCO's field of view since Sunday. It will begin to drop out of the picture, in the lower right, at about 4 or 5 a.m. EST on Thursday, Feb. 20.
NEAT will then begin a long journey back out into the fringes of the solar system. While Earth orbits the Sun every year, comet NEAT requires about 37,000 years to make a single, elongated loop.
Live and archived pictures and animations of NEAT,
taken by the LASCO-3 imager, are available on
the SOHO
All in One Month!
Acts 2:19 And I will shew wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth
beneath (Crop circles); blood, and fire, and vapour of smoke:
20 The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and notable day of the Lord come:
21 And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.
On May 15, 2003, the Moon "turned to blood" as it does on occasion during
a lunar eclipse. This happens more and more as atmospheric pollution occurs,
but was unheard of when the prophecy was given anciently.
Photo credit: Steve Barnes, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada:
S.Barnes: "A friend and I took a last minute flight from Hamilton, Ontario, to escape cloud cover. I took these pictures near Thunder Bay."
Photo credit: Dave Dockery, Las Cruces, NM, USA
D. Dockery: "The three images were captured
at entry, midpoint, and exit from totality." Photo details: Nikon CoolPix
995 digital camera shooting afocal through a TeleVue 32mm PLOSSL and TeleVue
85mm refractor.
On 31 May, 2003, this is what the sun will look
as she is "turned into darkness" over the Middle East and Europe during it's
almost total "annular" or "ring of fire" eclipse.
417-962-4636 10 am to 10 pm CST,
RR3 Box 654, Cabool, MO 65689
#### END ####