Rug Making by Redhead Rag rugs can be made from old shirts, sheets, pillowcases, towels, curtains... basically anything thin and cottony feeling. Denim makes poor is too hard to work with. Begin by cutting your materials into long strips, about 1 1/2 to 2" wide. Using a macrame board (or a nail hung on the wall) sew three flat strips together. You can use a needle and coarse thread, or your sewing machine. You then begin to braid the three pieces together. When one piece runs out simply sew another piece on the end, making it endless. When you think you have enough to make a small rug, start at the beginning and roll the braided strips into a ball. Sew every row tight, either by machine or by needle and coarse thread. By pulling at two sides you can make your rug oval instead of round. With a little finesse, you can make it square or oblong. If your rug is too small, just sew some more strips on and start again. You can make anything from a cat bed to a room sized rug with this method. Cheap, no special's all in your head.