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A Note from your Will Anderson about Preparedness
A few of you may now that I was trained as a executive for The Boy Scouts
of America. I spent 30 years in and out of Utah since 1977 where Food Storage
is a "commandment." Both my first LDS wife Joanne (who passed in 1995) and
my second LDS wife Betty (who passed in 2007) were "canning fools."
If need be, they would can tomatoes ever year over a campfire!
So, it could be said that I am a "Be Prepared" kind of guy, with a LOT of
background in this subject.
I have been teaching about preparedness since 1981. In 1985, because of my
unusually extensive studies into prophecy, I told my friends in the Officer's
Cadre of Oregon National Guard Reserve that we would become allies with the
Russians in a few years, and I was roundly laughed at. Well, as we all know
now, The USSR dissolved in 1989, and The Russian Federation joined NATO when
George H.W. Bush was president.
Between 1977 and 1998, I packed tons of food storage from city to city --
as I moved with my family from job to job, and felt good about it, because
it was cheap INSURANCE. When I was out of work, we ate our food storage.
When I was attending university at BYU, Billy Casper (then the 4th all-time
money winner in the game of golf after Lee Trevino) was my landlord.
I became a good friend of his mother-in-law and her husband, who ONLY ate
from #10 cans of Nitrogen packed food storage... and loved it. Sure, they
grew fresh salad greens in their garden, but rarely went to the supermarket.
When they did, they bought in bulk.
Now that food prices are expected to rise with the coming inflation (probably
hyperinflation) if all this doesn't interest you, you are totally unconscious!
You can now buy a years food storage at today's prices, "freezing" that price.
Use a credit card, pay the interest... and STILL save money. Walmart is already
publishing statistics on food inflation -- which completely backs up what
Glenn Beck has research and revealed... and it is very ugly picture.
Wise food is fresher than supermarket food, because it is prepared
within a short period of time after being harvested!
Back in the day, 30 years ago... Nitrogen packed food was only available
in #10 cans, and was more expensive per calorie... and more bulky, but NOT
ANYMORE! Now, freeze-dried food is not only more nutritious -- it is cheaper!
An entire 300 calorie entree costs about $1.80. Served it over rice, beans
or freeze-dried potatoes (which has recently gone up 30%) all of which should
be bought in bulk and stored. A Wise Foods entree weighs only about
3 ounces before re-hydrating it to one quart of great
tasting food. No cooking necessary... just heat water, pour it in the
package, let it rehydrate... and enjoy!
There are ten different lunch/dinner entrees, and three different breakfast
entrees... probably more variety than you are enjoying right now:
Honey Glazed Granola
Brown Sugar Oatmeal
Multi-Grain Cereal
Cheesy Macaroni
Chicken Ala King
Beef Teriyaki and Rice
Creamy Chicken Pasta
Creamy Potato Soup
Chicken Teriyaki
Cheesy Lasagna
Southwest Bean and Rice
Creamy Tomato Basil Soup
A year's supply of entrees for two people can be shipped to you for about
$2600.00, or you can buy it in smaller increments, and build up a year's
We all pay insurance on our cars, homes, etc... but we only keep a few days
"food insurance" around. 30 years ago, the USA supply chain kept about 2
weeks warehoused... and now it is only THREE DAYS, and it is mostly warehoused
in containers on railroad sidings! To me, trained as a strategic thinker,
all this makes me think that Americans are being set up for starvation. No
such situation exists in other countries! Add to that the freezes in Mexico
that destroyed fruit and vegetable crops a few months ago. Add to that inflation,
honeybee die-offs, GMO foods, et. al..
Now, I know the traditional Hopis personally, and they store food for 7 years.
Early Mormons were told to store for 7 years, and that was revised to 2 years,
then later to just 1 year around 1900.
I can also tell you that packing around heavy water-packed food, with a storage
life limited to about one year, is insane. 40 or so years ago, nitrogen-packed
foods became available... and more recently freeze-dried foods have been
all the rage... but is has traditionally been more expensive, and only for
the backpacking and outdoor market -- but not anymore!
You can get some
from Wise Food's Facebook website.
On a personal note, I was recently considering investing in food insurance,
and I actually did the math -- it all came down to comparing the cost of
a ONE calorie of typical water packed-foods from WalMart, against Nitrogen-packed
food from Nitro-pak, against Wise Foods freeze dried.... and the math convinced
me that Wise Foods
was the wisest (and cheapest) choice.
So, for the first time in many years, food storage is beginning to make good
sense to me once again... but I thought "who can afford it?" Well, if you
go to the supermarket right now, and take a look at a can of your favorite
meal-in-a-can type of product, it will run around 300 calories, and cost
you MORE than a comparable
Wise Foods meal...
and that Wise Foods
meal will store for 25 years with no rotation.
Vicki Tate, author of Cookin' with Food Storage is a longtime friend, and
I highly recommend her book.
Emergency Essentials
Sep 4, 2008 by BT from
No matter if you live alone or with your family, it is important to be prepared
for an emergency. Having the emergency essentials to take care of your needs
and those of your family is important to helping you make it through an emergency
unscathed. Emergencies come in all different forms, including weather, war
or terrorist attacks, accidents, natural disasters, and disease. It is important
you consider the different types of emergencies so you can gather the emergency
essentials that will help your survival and comfort.
Water - Storing Water
Having a backup supply of water is important, for drinking, cooking and cleaning.
Although we are used to turning on the faucet and having water, some types
of emergencies can occur that can stop the flow of water into our homes,
or make water from the tap unfit to drink. By stockpiling one gallon of water
per person per day, you can help ensure that dehydration wont be a
concern during an emergency. And dont forget water for cooking and
Stocking water raises the question of what to store it in that keeps the
water potable. There is so much concern about plastics and water (or food
for that matter) you may want to consider glass, metal or crockery for storing
your water. The challenge is finding such containers for reasonable prices.
In my opinion, water stored in plastic would be OK for cleaning or flushing
the toilet, but I personally dont want to drink water thats been
stored in plastic. Storing water
Food - Storing Dry Food
Food is necessary for survival and your list of emergency essentials should
include some type of food for you and your family. Whether you choose
non-perishable MREs (meal, ready-to-eat, or K-rations), protein bars,
or dried and canned foods, you want to be sure you have at least 3 days worth
of food, and more is probably more prudent.
Check out the other Food Storage suggestions, as well as Gadgets and various
Emergency articles I have on this site. You should be able to gather lots
of useful ideas on what you want to consider an emergency essential.
Shelter and warmth
We all assume that we will be able to take shelter in our homes, but what
if your home is destroyed by a hurricane, flood, or other event? Or if you
just cant be in it because of being evacuated, or not having access
to it? What would you do then? By having basic components of a shelter, including
plastic sheeting and tape, or a tent, you can keep yourself sheltered from
the elements. Include blankets or a sleeping bag and maybe a portable heat
source to help you to stay warm during the cool and/or damp months as well.
A hand-crank radio or a battery powered radio with extra batteries can allow
you to find out information about what is going on around you. This can come
in handy for finding help and assistance during an emergency.
A basic first aid kit is definitely an component of emergency essentials.
This includes basic bandages, antibiotic ointment, alcohol or iodine, and
other supplies to take care of basic first aid needs. Prescription medication
and nutrients should be included in your emergency essentials kit as well.
If you are not sure how to do first aid, a basic book outlining care can
be helpful.
Other supplies you will want to be sure you have as emergency essentials
include a flashlight, garbage bags, moist towelettes, dust mask (NI95 is
a good type to have), diapers, formula, etc. Any items that you and your
family cant live without should be considered. And dont forget
entertainment options, be it books, toys, music or movies. Keep in mind,
however, you may have to carry these items, so you may want to have a priority
list of what you have in this list. Weight can be a huge consideration in
your decision-making process.
5 Main Enemies to Storing Food
Temperature Humidity Light
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