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Blueotter sez welcome ya'll!




8PM Pacific, 9PM Mountain, 10PM Central, 11PM Eastern

Call in number is (347) 996-3318


Our mission since 1996: To fulfill the wishes of Hopi, Cherokee, and Iroquois elders of the 1950s and 1960s in sending their prophetic messages around the world. 

Since 2004, as is Native American Indian custom, we have never charged one red cent... 

not one nickel...  provide our Spiritual Leadership podcasts, Internet Radio programs that reveal the real, unvarnished, uncensored, truth-whole-truth-and-nothing-but-the-truth.

...and therein lies a BIG problem... unlike other similar "media outlets" that purport to present the truth, but hold back for fear of losing subscribers, (and their excessive lifestyles) our message is not popular... the real truth never is. Noah had the exact same problem. He was ridiculed to scorn, mocked, falsely accused or just plain ignored... until the rains came, and then everyone wanted the safety of the ark. 

Here is NOT what we are all about: Isaiah 30:10 "Which say to the seers, See not; and to the prophets, Prophesy not unto us right things, speak unto us smooth things, prophesy deceits" Jeremiah 5:31 "The prophets prophesy lies, the priests rule by their own authority, and my people love it this way. But what will you do in the end?

There are substantial costs involved in building this "ark" and leading you to safety... e.g. Internet access, website hosting charges, hardware, software... it all adds up amounting to nearly 1/10th of our meager $1,600 monthly income.  We are a "mom-and-pop" effort, both disabled, the two of us living on one Social Security fixed income. We dedicate our lives to this one purpose... to wake you up.  In the past, we have had to shutdown for long periods.


Sadly, only one listener out of 200 ever contributes. 

For a small one time donation of $24.99, we DO offer lifetime access to the largest "prepper" Internet database on the planet, including the only Prophecy encyclopedias on the planet, including four eBooks, 1000 pages in all 160 articles from 60 indigenous nations from Abenaki to Zulu. Two of these eBooks are free, and we offer "sneak peeks" of 66% of the other two.... access to the Prophecykeepers Wisdom Library is for as long as the Internet lasts, which according to Professor Michiu Kaku (Albert Einstein's heir apparent) probably won't be for long.  The United States Congress laughed at him when he asked for $10 Billion to shield our satellites from solar storms like the Carrington Event in 1859, which burned out the entire telegraph system worldwide. A similar Solar storm will certainly send us into chaos. 

Matthew 10:8 "...freely ye have received, freely give."

Follow your heart... but remember the Parable of The Ten Virgins. There is very little time left to gather your "oil." Learning to get into two-way contact with Creator takes time, practice and repetition, just like building muscles. In these Last Days, no matter what kind of "preps" you make, without a relationship with Creator, with Spirit scouting ahead for you, you won't make it, and will become fearful, and will be lost.   


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Prophecykeepers Preparedness Library   FREE 180+ Past Show Archives

Hopi Prophecies of Bahana (The True White Brother) have all been fulfilled except one. 

Only one remaining prophecy left... click here to read more.

Listen to our "Hopi Ten" interviews with Choqosh Auh Ho Oh.

The Late Grandfather Walker Calhoun, 
Cherokee Culture Bearer

Are You Part Cherokee? What does it mean to be Cherokee? Would you like to be a Cherokee? 


100's of Things To Do on this website


24/7/365 Streaming Music Cherokee Radio

Peaceful, prayerful Native American music with Short Traditional Cherokee Story Narratives

Classis Rock Hits with Short Humorous Cherokee Story Narratives

All the top Classic Country Hits with Short Humorous Cherokee Story Narrations

The Finest Jazz Hits with Short Humorous Cherokee Story Narratives

Spirit Filled Spoken Word and Hymns with 100% Natural Cancer Healing Narratives


This man named Dragging Canoe was a Cherokee War Chief and was considered a "Fullblood"

This man, Sam Houston, former Governor of Tennessee who became the first President of The Republic of Texas was a "White European" but yet was  considered a "Fullblood Cherokee" by traditionalist Cherokees

How Can That Be True?

The Answer is Here


Did Jesus Christ Visit This Paiute Indian Man and 100s of others at Walker Lake Nevada in 1890? The Answer is Here


Did you know... that the air you breathe, the water you drink, and the food you eat literally "rusts" the inside of your body? This rusting process called "Oxidation," (whether it occurs on iron or steel, or in the iron in your bloodstream, inside your arteries and organs) causes inflammation, which causes pain, which is your body;s way of telling you something is wrong!  

Inflammation is recognized as the cause of most chronic diseases, many or most of which are reversible.

This Research Doctor, Joe McCord of Memphis, Tennessee, made medical history when he discovered "Superoxide Dismutase"

...and as a result, was awarded the Cresson Medal, historically awarded only to great inventors like Thomas Edison, Madame Curie and Henry Ford.

Dr. McCord developed and patented a formulation of FIVE HERBS



Green Tea

Milk Thistle


When combined, these FIVE HERBS plus the secret patented way in which they are processed, creates a "Synergy"

Synergy is the interaction of multiple elements in a system to produce an effect different from or greater than the sum of their individual effects. This synergy alters human DNA within 30 days (guaranteed or your money back) to supercharge the human body's production of Glutathione, which kills 1,000,000 free radicals per second, per second. All other antioxidant molecules such as Noni Juice, Acai Berry Juice etc,, kill only ONE free radical per second, per second.

Recently, when asked by Dr. Phil just how, at age 50+, he could could still make moves like Michael Jackson, Donny Osmond finally let the cat out of the bag, and revealed his secret:

Emmy Award winner Montell Williams

(see Reuters News Article) and Dr. Oz
appeared on Oprah Winfrey's March 17, 2009 program and revealed he has used Protandim help control his Muscular Sclerosis for many years.

Below, Dr. Oz explains how Glutathione works and why you feel run down and more likely to become ill if your body does not provide enough of its own Glutathione.

Remember, in the United States, we live in one of the most polluted environments on the planet. 

General Manager of the Baltimore Ravens, Ozzie Newsome, showing he's a fan of Protandim! It's no wonder that the Raven's players are so powerful and now the 2013 World Champions of Superbowl XLVII!!! 

Protandim by LifeVantage is one of the few supplement approved by the Banned Substances Control Group.

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Protandim®'s four-time patented formulation features five potent botanicals that signal the DNA in your body to increase the production of its own natural antioxidant enzymes. In simple terms, there is no other product like Protandim®. Its proprietary formulation, based on boosting antioxidant enzymes leads the market in fighting oxidative stress and aging.

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*As is true with any dietary supplement, Protandim® is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease **Protandim®, TrueScience® and LifeVantage® are registered trademarks of LifeVantage Corporation.


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Create a Radio Show and Reach Millions.

Carlo Hawlwalker, 
6th Keeper of Sitting Bull's Pipe

David Monongye, the late Keeper of The Hopi Prophecy of publisher of the 44 Techqua Ikachi newsletters. His adopted daughter, Blueotter's close friend Zula Brinkerhoff, wrote this book:

1794 George Washington Peace Medal, possessed by:



Prophecykeepers Foundation Internet Radio is a Native American operated non-profit 501(C)3 United Charitable Program, endorsed by elders of the #1 Medicine Society  in North America, The Original Keetoowah Society, "Nighthawks"

The Tree
of Peace

White Roots of Peace


The Oklevueha Native American Church Of The White Roots
Of Peace

Federally recognized as "Native American Religious Practitioners" Under the Native American Religious Freedom Act of 1975... and you can join us!

Wallace "Mad Bear" Anderson, Founder
Mad Bear Anderson



It's Creator's "Only Way Out" for us. 

Are You "Walking The Walk" or Just "Talking the Talk?"

Put Your Money Where Your Heart Is...
and start Walking The Walk... then go get ceremony!
"Purification Day" is right around the corner...

Tonight's Program Is "Safe Places in Earth Changes" with author Michelle Rios Rice Hennelly


Simply by Clicking on the eBay Banner Below You Will Be Supporting Prophecykeepers 

Foundation and Oklevueha Native American Church of The White Roots of Peace


Michelle Rios Rice Hennelly author of A Time of Fire~A Way of Fire

As many of you know, the Divine Mother, best known to many as Mary the mother of Jesus, began to appear to less-then-orthodox (kind of a renegade in fact) Catholic Michelle Rios Rice Hennelly several years ago and to reveal to her the changes that are coming to our world. At that time, Mary told her that natural disasters and earth changes would become more intense and more frequent as time went on.

In a message on September 6, 2005, Mary disclosed to Michelle that we have reached a point where a major natural disaster will occur every two weeks somewhere around the world. This was a confirmation of the same message Mary had given to another visionary.

In this message, Mary also stated, as she has many times before, that a natural disaster will devastate California. She indicated that this will entail massive loss of life and irreparable damage to the West Coast. At other times, she has shown to Michelle other disasters of a similar magnitude in the U.S. and other parts of the world.

Mary went on to say that these events are God’s urgent pleas to us to awaken. She related that God has been trying to get through to us for thousands of years, sending at different times His Son, many avatars, and groups of masters. But few people have listened.

Hosted by Will Blueotter


A descendant of Kalunu (Speaker of Council and Red "War" Chief) Savanukah, The Raven of Chota, Heir to The Seat of The Cherokee Nation(s) North, Middle and South, The Keeper of The Sacred Cherokee Ark, who later became Most Beloved Man (Principal Chief) of The Cherokee Nation from 1781-1783.

Visit Blueotter's 

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My Cherokee Marriage Ceremony

Blueotter highly recommends:

Creator of...

This is a test:
What Cherokee Nation, has a pre-European contact, precolonial, pre-constitutional, ancient theocratic form of government, is politically recognized by a North American Government... has the most competent Cherokee cultural advisers... has no "government invented "blood quantum"  requirement... has open rolls... conducts traditional AniKilohi adoptions like Tennessee Governor and Texas President Sam Houston was gifted with? 

What is happening here?

Who are these people?

What does this U.S. Government Document say?

What does this Magazine Article say?

What is this building's purpose?

What is this Cherokee man in full regalia?

Who are these people?

What is this?

Where is this hidden valley?

What is he pointing to?

Who is this Government Official?

Who is this Cherokee Elder?

Who is this University President and Historian?

What does this quiz have to do with Sequoyah, inventor of The Cherokee Syllabary (Alphabet) who died in Mexico in 1842 searching for "Lost Cherokees" who had migrated From North Carolina to Mexico in 1721 and settled at the base of the Rocky Mountains?

Things to do on this website:

Contact Us  (Click Here)

Prophecykeepers on MySpace  (Click Here)
Prophecykeepers on Facebook  (Click Here)
Will Blueotter on Twitter  (Click Here)


Blueotter's Blogs:


: Blueotter's "Natural Cures" Blog - Herbal Holistic Health,
"Cherokee Way" - News, Podcasts, Videos


Your Homework Assignments

Listen to 180+ Past Prophecykeepers Radio Shows (Click Here)
Our shows have always been free listening, and always will be.

Read: A Christian reviews "The Prophecykeepers Trilogy" (Click Here)

Learn About The Amazing Fulfillment of The Hopi Prophecy and Safe Places (Click Here)

What Is "The Hopi Ten?" (Click Here)

Join Our Discussion Group (Click Here)

Watch: (Book of) Daniel's  Prophetic Timeline Videos (Click Here)

Listen: 1837 Discourse by Mordechai M. Noach concerning Cherokee/Israel  (Click Here)

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Access "The ProphecyKeepers Trilogy" and Preparedness Library (Click Here)

Things to do off this website:

Visit Prophecykeepers TV  - Watch Videos about Native American Prophecy (Click Here)

Watch Videos about "The Rainbow Tribe" of The Eastern Hemisphere (Click Here)

Watch "Keepers of The Fire," a video authorized by the Original Keetoowaah Society, the religious core (and sovereignty placeholder) of the original 1839-1906 Cherokee Nation, concerning the Cherokee/Israel Connection (Click Here)

Visit The White Roots of Peace Council (Click Here)

Watch a video concerning the Original Ghost Dance (Click Here)

Study Native American Prophecy in depth  (Click Here)

The Cherokee Nation's Internal War Against the Chickamauga Cherokee  (Click Here)

Learn About The Planet's Oldest Herbal Medicine System  (Click Here)

Study Ancient Cherokee History and Religion  (Click Here)

Read About The Cherokee/Hebrew DNA Connection  (Click Here)

Read About The Hopi Prophecy of "The Book On The Bottom"  (Click Here)

Waxing ‘Sliver Moon’ shows Cherokee keep months ‘in sacred manner of Hebrews’ (Click Here)

Hebrew Kabbala and the Cherokees (Click Here)

Test Your Cherokee/Druze/Hebrew DNA  (Click Here)


Do you have Cancer or know someone who does?

Have you ever seen the movie Medicine Man?

...starring Sean Connery? Did you know that story was based on:

...The true-life adventure of Dr. Wilburn Ferguson, the only white man ever to become an authentic medicine man among the fierce Jivaro Indians (head- hunters) in the jungles of Ecuador and Peru.

This is the man whose life inspired the Hollywood movie, Medicine Man, starring Sean Connery. Dr. Ferguson tells of the discovery of herbal medicines that could benefit mankind and of the ultimate betrayal by leaders of modern medicine who suppressed these discoveries.

President Jimmy Carter met with Dr Ferguson, who naively told him that "America needs your medicine," and told him to return to The White House in a few weeks to meet with his Chief of Staff. Dr. Ferguson revisited The White House, but was excoriated, intimidated, shadowed after he returned to California... so he returned to the Amazon and sent his field notes to this man:

Dr. Charles L. Rogers MD, who founded a Cancer Clinic in Mexico in 1986...

...the ONLY Cancer Clinic in Mexico that uses 100% natural substances to treat, and many times cure even the advanced cancers. All other cancer clinics in Mexico use Chlorine (chemical) based treatments.

Listen to an interview with Dr Charles L. Rogers MD explaining the History of the Suppression of the Cure for Cancer:

Dr. Charles L. "Jahtlohi" (Kingfisher)  Rogers MD is a hereditary Cherokee Medicine Man and a Chief Priest...

Chief Rogers’ great-grandmother, who taught her sons Cherokee medicine.

Chief Rogers’ great-grandmother, Mary Price, who taught her sons Cherokee ways and incantations for health problems.

Dr. Charles L. Rogers MD's Cherokee grandfather, who knew incantations, ate only certain foods at certain times, drank only spring water, and said that in time the insurance companies, utilities and big government would run America. He was a U.S. Army cook at Fort Sill, OK, and knew Chiricauhua Apache Chief Geromino intimately.

This is a Cherokee Brave in North Carolina, circa 1920:

This is Dr. Charles L. Rogers son, Charles L. Rogers Jr:

Charles L. Rogers Jr, now a graduate student at NYU Film School, discovered the long lost grave of Sequoyah, inventor of the Cherokee Alphabet.


CanHope™ is an all-natural formulation of earth-based power, incredible for being able to rescue people who have lost their health from chronic fatigue with brain and emotional fog, changing them from a person who was alive in their life, enjoying each day and being able to produce the kind of life they wanted, to a person who is technically living but not really alive.

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For victims of Cancer worldwide, who are unable to travel to The Rogers Cancer Institute and Medical Clinic in™ Matamoros Mexico, Dr. Rogers makes available a "Telemedicine" called CancerEnd™

Both products are shipped worldwide, and your progress is supervised by your own physician near your home anywhere in the world.
Dr. Charles L. Rogers MD endorses Protandim as the best Disease PREVENTATIVE available on the planet... but once you are ill with a Serious illness or Cancer, Dr. Charles L. Rogers MD's telemedicines are available worldwide. Visit any of the Dr. Rogers websites linked from here, and should you desire to look into either of these 100% natural Cherokee telemedicines, you will be speaking with Blueotter personally.

*As is true with any dietary supplement, CanHope™ and CancerEnd™™ are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease

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