#1 Will
Blueotter: The First Prophecykeepers Program
#2 Chief
Bill Chance on Totemism
#3 Red Elk
#4 The
Shapiro's on The Crystal Skulls #1
#5 Ed McGaa
on Lakota Spirituality #1
#6 Mound
#7 Robert
Ghost Wolf #1
#8 Clifford
Alford on The Assaga
#9 Choqosh
#10 Sir
Mark Amaru Pinkham
#11 Will Hart
#12 Robert
Ghost Wolf #2
#13 Dorothy
#14 Thomas
O. Mills on The Hopi
#15 Jaime
Perez #1
#16 Red Elk
#17 Yellow
Horse Man
#18 Earth
#19 Ted
#20 Gordon
#21 Eduardo
Holman on Curanderismo
#22 Robert
Ghost Wolf #3
#23 Bunny
Sings Wolf
#24 Hunbatz
Men Mayan Daykeeper
#25 Lee
Standing Bear Moore on Manataka
#26 Maria
Marchaqa on Peruvian Propehcy/Music
#27 Tom
Blue Wolf
#28 Red Elk
#29 Dr Kohan
Slalamim on Black Hebrews
#30 Robert
Ghost Wolf #4
#31/32 Red Elk
#33 Mike
Kuzma on Leonard Peltier
#34 Paul
Thomas on Cherokee Elders Council
#35 Harvey
#36 Don
Carlos Barrios, Mayan Daykeeper
#37 Clifford
#38 Mary
Elizabeth Thunder
#39 Red Elk
#40 Mala
Spotted Eagle Pope
#41 Wynn Free
on Edgar Cayce
#42 Ila
Hatter on Medicinal Herbs
#43 Manny
Two Feathers on The Sundance
#44 Robert
Ghost Wolf #5
#45 Will Hart
on Ancient History
#46 Red Elk
#47 Nicolas
Chango, Salasaca Aymara Elder
#48 John
Hogue on Nostradamus
#49 Myron
Fagan on Communism
#50 Robert
Ghost Wolf #6
#51 Ed McGaa
#52 Capt.
D.L. "Pappy" Hicks, Texas Cherokees
#53 Jaime
Perez, Mixteca Medicine Man and El Paso Civic Leader
#54 Blueotter
on Steve Mitton' RadioActive
#55 Jonathan
#56 Robert
Ghost Wolf #7
#57 Victor
L. Baines on Nostradamus
#58 Michael
Horn, Billy Maier UFO USA Representative
#59 Kahuna
Lani on Huna Religion
#60 Chief
A.J.: The Twin Tsunamis
#61 Darrel
White Wolf, Cherokee Elder
#62 Bennie "Blue Thunder" LeBeau
#63 Jim Pathfinder, Cherokee Elder
#64 Patrick
Heron on The Nephilim
#65 Bunny
Sings Wolf
#66 Red Elk
#67 Jason
Leigh #2
#68 Robert
Big Tree
#69 Dr.
Brooks Agnew
#70 The
Late Maria Gurule on Shamanism
#71 Dorothy
Daigle on Hopi Prophecy
#72 Robert
Ghost Wolf #8
#73 Robert
Ghost Wolf #9
#74 The
Shapiros on The Crystal Skulls
#75 Star
#76 The
Roskinds on Healing
#77 Michelle Rios Rice Hennelly - Safe Places During Earth Changes
#78 Red Elk
#79 Robert
Ghost Wolf #10
#80 Choqosh
Au'Ho'Oh on The Hopi Ten
#81 Maria
Yraceburu on Shamanism
#82 Bennie
"Blue Thunder" LeBeau
#83 Saq Be Mayan Stydiesw w/Adam
#84 Melody
#85 Dr.
Brooks Agnew
#86 Red Elk
Marcellus Bear Heart Williams
#88 Robert
Ghost Wolf #11
#89 Jason
#90 Israel's
New Sanhedrin
#91 Red Elk
#92 John
#93 Chief
Hugh Gibbs, Cherokee
#94 Red Elk
#95 Bennie
"Blue Thunder" Lebeau
#96 Blueotter on Project White Paper
#97 John
Perkins; Confessions of An Economic Hit Man
#98 Red Elk
#99 Duplicate
of #98 Red Elk
#100 Ben
#101 Jay
Lone Wolf, Colorblind Apache Painter
#102 Red
Elk #13
#103 George
Lloyd: Self Defense and Natural Healing
#104 Loretta Mejia
#105 Red
Elk #14
#106 Russell Means: American Indian
Movement Co-Founder
#107 John
James, Intelligent Water
#108 Ben
Yoseif: Return of The House of Joseph (Israel)
#109 Shoshanna Allison, Robert Ghost
Wolf's Partner
#110 Adam
#111 Marcine
#112 Red Elk #15
#113 Marcine Quenzer and Adam Yellowbird
#114 Ralph Ring of Bluestar Enterprises
#115 Barry Chamish: The Truth About Israel
#116 Blueotter: Connecting The Prophetic Dots
#117 Blueotter: Connecting Biblical, Mayan, Hopi
#118 Sha-ha-win of The New Self Love Foundation
#119 The Fire Burn Doctors
#120 Forrest Liggett & Brian Wilkes of
The 28 Grandfathers Council
#121 Martin Carriere, Metis (Canada) Historian
#122 FOX from S.P.I.R.I.T. Investigators
#123 Carol Shoemaker of The Texas Cherokees
#124 Susy Cawthorne, Mayan Storyteller
#125 James Jancik: What Did Jesus REALLY say
#126 Kevin Smith -- Paranormal Talk Show Host
#127 Lee Standingbear Moore and Woableza LaBatte
#128 Lynn Mystic Healer and Joanne Spotted Bear
#129 Mark Borcharding and Bennie "Blue Thunder"
#130 Chief Buddy Hosick -- Cherokee: The Secret
War in Laos
#131 Alan Kent Gorg: The Hopi Prophecy
#132 Bennie "Blue Thunder" Lebeau: 4000 Mile
Medicine Wheel Ceremony
#133 Forrest Liggett and Maria Yraceburu
#134 Tom Chittum: Civil War Two
#135 Adam Yellowbird: Message from Kogi and
Arhuaco Elders
#136 Ed McGaa: The Creator's Code
#137 Blue Thunder: Eastern Shoshone Elder
#138 Sir Mark Amaru Pinkham: Gnostic Templar
#139 Hugh Traulsen: Caring and Sharing
#140 James "Flaming Eagle" Mooney: Oklevueha
Native American Church
#141 Serge Kahili King: Huna From Hawaii
#142 James "Flaming Eagle" Mooney: The Drug Wars
Are Over
#143 James "Flaming Eagle" Mooney: Looking
Towards The Future
#144 James "Flaming Eagle" Mooney: Native
#145 Dave White: Aussie Friend of Earth #152 Jeff Standing Tall Gardner
#176 Oklevueha Radio - James W. Flaming Eagle
Mooney on NORML Radio
#177 - James W.
Flaming Eagle Mooney on Time-4-Hemp Radio
#178 Ancient
Cherokee Marine Voyages: Charles
L. Rogers MD and Brian Wilkes
#179 - Ms. Sophia Stewart "Mother of The Matrix"
#180 - Elizabeth Russell "Traditions Of Great