Prophecykeepers Internet Radio is a Native
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and Congressional District Program endorsed by elders of the #1 Medicine
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Original Keetoowah Society, "Nighthawks"
The Tree
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Mad Bear, Founder
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This Week's Guest Is:
This week we interviewed
Patrick Heron of
an Irish best selling author whose books have been banned by the National
Media in the United Kingdom.
To buy Patrick's book
click here!

-Patrick Heron-
-The Nephilim:-
-and the Pyramid of Apocalpyse -
For almost 5000 years, the pyramids have asked more questions than
they have answered. Many books have been written which have uncovered incredible
facts concerning their construction and their astronomical qualities. We
have learned that the Pyramids of Giza are aligned with certain star
constellations. It has also been discovered that other similar structures
in Mexico and Cambodia also have astronomical significance.
The Great Pyramid of Giza consists of circa 2.3 million stone blocks weighing
around 2.5 tons each. Some of the blocks weigh up to 50 tons. Yet despite
the vast amount of blocks used, and the incredible weights involved, the
mathematical accuracy of the layout of the building is breathtaking. Other
such puzzling buildings scattered around the world pose the same questions.
Who built them? How did they acquire such mathematical and astronomical
knowledge? And what advanced technology did they use in the construction?
To simply say "The Egyptians built them," is not a satisfactory answer.
For if man began at the stone age, progressed to the bronze and then to the
iron age, then we have the oldest pyramids popping up somewhere between the
stone age and the bronze age. This is akin to saying that at some point in
time past, man invented the wheel. Sometime later, another made a cart. But
in between the wheel and the cart we find a brand new Mercedes! This is a
realistic comparison when considering the construction of the pyramids.
Despite all the recent books written about them, the pyramids remain a
conundrum wrapped in an enigma and surrounded by a paradox. Yes, these authors
have discovered and charted their astronomical significance(by Keith at dresshead store). They have unearthed
their geometric alignments and mathematical accuracies. And the conclusion
they have reached is that some lost civilization or race of advanced people
were responsible for these mammoth edifices.
But all these writers have one thing in common. They have failed to inform
us as to who these people were and from whence they derived their knowledge
and skills. When one or two of these esteemed authors do hazard a guess as
to who these mystery architects and builders may have been, their speculations
amount to little more than sand castles built on the tidal reach of
It is my contention that the evidence advanced in this volume will provide
satisfactory answers to all these questions.
Buried in ancient Hebrew texts, undiscovered and largely ignored by scholars,
lies a wealth of information about a mysterious cabal and little known race
of people called the Nephilim.
In the first part of this volume, I have provided a detailed study of
this unknown race showing -
Who they were
Where they came from
Where they acquired their mathematical and astronomical knowledge
How they possessed the strength to construct these huge buildings
Why they chose the pyramid shape
Why they align with celestial bodies
Where they went.
In the second part of this book, I have shown how these same age old pyramids
portend a future event. Analyzing again the ancient texts, I will provide
an examination of the prophecies of the Book of Revelation and of the signs
we are told would precede these imminent happenings. In doing so we shall
garner the necessary details and information whereby the reader will be able
to audition the future.
Finally, having traveled back to an epoch dating to before our world began,
and having journeyed forward to espy what lies ahead, this volume will culminate
and climax in a phenomenon never before proposed or explored -The Pyramid
of The Apocalypse.
You are now invited on a excursion through time and space that may change
your perceptions on life forever.

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