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Michael Horn is the Authorized American Media Representative for the Billy
Meier Contacts (, which he has researched since 1979 (and
proved to be absolutely authentic) and is the writer, producer and narrator
of the new DVD"The Meier Contacts - The Key To Our Future Survival". His
very eclectic background includes: prize-winning painter, designer/creator
of the still popular fashion fad "fingernail art" (featured in Harper's Bazaar
magazine), award-winning songwriter, one of the first creators of digital
online book publishing (ebooks), music and video producer, science researcher,
national and international lecturer, national and international lecturer,
frequent media guest, writer, humorist, pioneer in commercial water purification
applications (Starbucks), set designer, health care professional, creator
of the Future Self interactive therapeutic video technique, creator of the
Standing In Spirit regenerative movement/stress relief program (which Michael
was invited to teach to corporate and government leaders in Europe by a
consultant to Princess Diana), creator/teacher of the Sit & Get Fit
videotapes and program for seniors (, as well as for
personnel at U.S. corporations like Xerox. Michael has been featured in two
issues of the international martial arts magazine INSIDE KUNG FU demonstrating
advanced strength and flexibility Chi Gong exercises and has articles published
in Nexus, Mystic Pop and UFO magazines. Additionally, “More Than Just
Survival",Michael Horn's new song CD of all original songs, has just been
released featuring the single "Forgive Yourself".