
Our Success Story
MicroNutra Health continues to embrace the scientific harmony
and basic truth of natural wholeness; and to show that these natural principles
are the cornerstone of MicroNutra Health's unique products. We continue
to advance some of the most exciting scientific discoveries in nutrition
and cellular health in our millennium.
From day one our loyal customer infrastructure has been rapidly expanding
all around the world. Today we are one of the world's most leading edge
companies, while providing original evolutionary breakthroughs in both cellular
health and orthomolecular nutrition.
The rationale is simply focused on the absolute allegiance to pioneering
uniquely superior products that your entire family can trust.
MicroNutra Health is providing the world with progressive health
products derived from the finest all-natural ingredients Mother Earth has
to offer. We understand that by nurturing your ability to regenerate
and replenish healthy new cells, that you will sustain a natural healthy
life, and augment unprecedented vitality at every age. . . The story
behind the MicroNutra Health Legacy is an exceptional one, conceived
out of a unitary vision of eminent minds with their hearts in the right
It all began with the inspiration and genius of one soul, Dr. Linus
Pauling, who devoted his entire life, along with his scientific research
team, to conceive and develop the groundbreaking science of orthomolecular
medicine. He noted that only a dozen atoms out of 10,000 in the molecule
are different and that upon such small atoms man's health depends.
MicroNutra Health shares this same vision after over 45 years of
research we have discovered that the greatest advances arrive from attention
to the smallest of details. When it comes to optimizing global health
at the cellular level, orthomolecular nutrition is the solution. New science
supports irrefutable evidence that by simply providing the body with targeted
nutrients in the right place and in the right amount that even a molecule
can make the difference between metabolic sustenance versus radical systemic
imbalance. After thousands of patient trials across the United States in
various clinics and wellness centers, MicroNutra Health was finally
born and has now come of age for a new era of health and understanding. With
the undeniable efficacy and phenomenal health benefits, our remarkable
advancements have only been matched by our impeccable success.
Dr. Linus Pauling lived a humble and amazing life whose sole passion
is to conjoin positive lasting change into the current practice of standard
healthcare, to edify wellness, and stimulate higher thinking. In addition
to the far reaching positive impact Dr. Linus Pauling's discoveries have
had on world health, he is also acknowledged as a double Nobel Laureate,
and will for ever be referred to as "The Father of Molecular Medicine". His
spirit is eternally devoted entirely to helping make our world a healthier
and happier place, a goal that is embodied in the MicroNutra Health
mission statement: To encourage "healthy living and high thinking, and to
share a spirit of common good among all peoples by teaching the empowering
basis of their unity; health, liberty and happiness through wholeness and
balance". MicroNutra Health's products are being successfully used
by hundreds of health practitioners and clinics throughout the world, including
Canada, Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia and the Middle East!
The MicroNutra Health and Wellness Network is the "New
Cornerstone" of progressive and integrative medicine in our
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to release humanity from our tri-fold suffering, biogenic deficiencies,
pharmacological propaganda, and emotional ill balance . . .
to share with all peoples, honest knowledge of new scientific breakthroughs
and alternative medicine for extraordinary life without drugs, hospitalization
or toxic pharmacology . . .
to encourage "natural thinking and a higher quality of living", and
to edify a common spirit of goodness and charity throughout the earth by
embracing the dynamics of our oneness; extraordinary wellness, true freedom
and lasting joy through sensitivity to the reality of natural principalities
and social harmonies. . .
to exemplify the efficacy of natural over chemical, of nature over man.
. .
to dedicating ourselves to the loftiest mode of Professional Ethics
and to our Code of Altruistic Philosophies. . .
We are devoted to you and your loved ones vibrant health and
to wellness of our one and only Mother Earth.
FDA Required Legal Disclaimer - These statements have not
been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat,
cure, or prevent any disease.