
Betty Wilson's Personal Testimonials for
the Micronutra products Diamaxol, Prolipamy, Hyperexol and Cholestasys -
A Micronutra/Techmedica Success Story
Betty Wilson here.
13 months ago (writing this in August of 2006) I was so desperate to find
some kind of natural alternative treatment for my Type II Diabetes that I
secretly prayed to God to lead me to it... or allow me to leave this earth.
I was totally miserable and had been for over 6 years. I was used to excellent
health and hated feeling bad all the time. I had been telling my husband
since 1995 that someday I would find a natural treatment for Diabetes, but
he didn't believe me and always scoffed when I mentioned it.
3 Days later, my husband found Diamaxol on the Internet
(it was named Diamaxol at that time) and so we rolled the dice and ordered
one bottle. Within 3 days I was very pleasantly surprised at my blood sugar
count, and within three weeks I was ecstatic about my numbers! It worked
just as advertised.
So, my husband and I decided to promote this product
to raise funds to support the activities of the Native American non-profit
501(c)3 we founded in 2004.
Until now I have never commented publicly about how
Prolipamy -- which are digestive enzymes -- has alleviated the Irritable
Bowel Syndrome I have suffered with since my Colon Cancer surgery about 2
years ago.
Prolipamy has also relieved me of my chronic constipation
I have suffered with for several years. Can you imagine swinging back and
forth from chronic constipation to the sudden diarrhea of Irritable Bowel
Prolipamy obviously has caused the disappearance my
bi-weekly bouts with diarrhea and I didn't even miss them until I found the
bottle of diarrhea first aid medicine that I always kept under the seat of
my car... and then realized I hadn't needed to take any in over two
In mid-October I spent 5 days in the hospital, and
I am convinced that Diamaxol may have either saved my life, or saved my body
from some real damage...
I am a disabled veteran and the VA cares for my medical
problems and provides my prescription medications, and several times this
last year or so VA doctors have attempted to get my blood pressure under
control by changing my Blood Pressure medications and dosages.
October 15th 2004, I woke up at 4 AM with a tremendous
headache and slurred speech... all the symptoms of stroke in fact! My husband
called the EMTs and they in turn called the AirEvac helicopter and I was
flown to West Plains, Missouri to a hospital with a "Stroke Team."
After all the MRIs and Cat Scans came back normal,
they concluded that my High Blood Pressure had caused something called a
Hypnic Headache, common only in folks in my age bracket...somewhat related
to a Migraine...
I was told that High Blood Pressure and Blood Sugar
work off of each other in a vicious circle... but it was different this time...
even the doctors commented that they were very surprised that my blood sugar
levels had not soared higher than they actually did...
My blood pressure almost killed me back in July, due
to summer heat and unusual exertions during sightseeing when my daughter
was visiting here from California BUT the big difference 22 days ago was
that my blood sugar never went above 263... but with the same out of control
High Blood Pressure levels last July my blood sugar soared to over 600, a
level which kills some people outright!
So, along with Diamaxol, I am now faithfully using
Cholestasys, and Hyperexol, and I will stay on them!
Oh, and during my recent checkup in January 2006 my
doctor also said that my bad cholesterol level was WAY down... and whatever
I was doing, she said "Keep it up!' I then told her "You don't know what
I am doing," and she didn't ask. What weenies doctors can be!
I seem to be doing very well on these products.
I am confident that YOU will also!

FDA Required Legal Disclaimer - These statements have not
been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat,
cure, or prevent any disease.